Royal Academy of Music Composers Club 2024

See below information from RAM:


For aspiring young composers studying at London secondary schools.

Session 1: Sunday 28th January, 11am-5pm

Session 2: Sunday 11th February, 11am-5pm

Course to include:

•Two intensive day long sessions at the Royal Academy of Music for 12 young composers.

•A series of engaging composition tasks, led by Royal Academy of Music teaching staff and research students.

•The chance to collaborate with leading Academy instrumentalists, who will perform and record the new pieces written during the course.

•Learn more about writing for instruments through demonstrations and interaction with performers.

•An open Q & A session offering information on studying composition at degree level and career options for professional musicians.

For further information and to book please contact us on

Participants will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis as recommended by their teachers or local music authority.

Application deadline: Thursday 25th January 2024

We recommend that participants are between 14-18 years old (i.e. currently studying GCSEs or A-Levels) and are working at grade 5 level or above (or have an equivalent understanding of staff notation).

The Royal Academy of Music’ is Widening Participation team are working to increase inclusivity across the conservatoire sector and are keen to hear from ethnically diverse applicants.


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